Friday, December 26, 2008

A belated present to you...

Since I'm holding down the fort at the office today (which means sitting at my desk hoping that there are no emergencies), I have a little free time. So, I thought I'd give all of you a little day after Christmas present. This is the only laugh out loud scene from "Step Brothers" - which is sad because I think Will Ferrell is generally a hoot and I adore John C. Reilly. The true hilarity ensues at :54. Enjoy...

(Damn! You gotta see it on YouTube, it's not embeddable - here's the link:

You're welcome!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I forgot to give you a hug...

Just in case I don't post before Santa Claus arrives, Merry Christmas to all of my loyal (and patient) readers (all one of you)! I will be posting my list of New Year's resolutions soon (actually, I can probably cut and paste the list from last year) and hope that Santa leaves some time management skills under the tree for me this year, so I can write more (the stuff I'm not getting paid for.) This has been a pretty good year - working the job of my dreams, losing it, getting a new job that's almost as wonderful (because I have to go to an office, that's the only reason it hasn't reached the awesomeness of working for Buzznet.) Along the way, I've had some fun times with the pals and the hubby and cleaned up more dog hair than I'd care to recall. Here's hoping you get what you want from the portly, red-suited one!