Well, I finally got off my dead and dying and decided to upload a few photos. Now you can see what I've been up to this summer (so far). First off (and most importantly), my li'l sis got married. Here's a pic of the happy couple trying to navigate the whole intertwined wine glass toast thingy...

Love ya sis and Stan! Another activity that's been making the summer of '07 lots of fun are Sundays at "The Cove" with Justin, Michelle and the gang. It's basically an excuse to get some sun and enjoy some adult beverages. here we are this past Sunday. And before you say it, yes, I will be sending this picture to VH-1 the next time they're casting for "Rock of Love"...

Yee-haw! Last, but not least, I finally got to meet one of my favorite comedians, Harland Williams (the "six second ab" guy from "There's Something About Mary", but more importantly Roberta from my new favorite cult classic "Sorority Boys.") We saw him at the Improv, and he was more than happy to sign my DVD copy of "Boys" and pose for a photo. Whatta guy!

Well, I feel like I've accomplished something...now, onto my resume!