Friday, March 14, 2008

Enough Already

Yes, I truly suck. It has been entirely too long since I've updated this blog. Since I spend all day writing about celebrities and trying to be witty, this blog has taken a back seat to my work (don't even get me started on the Frampton blog!)Sooo, in an attempt to get back on the horse, here's a coupla videos from the YouTube.

First off is the first sketch from Mike Nesmith's "Elephant Parts." I cannot tell you how many times I watched this when I was a kid. I loved the Monkees so much and I thought Nesmith was a genius. A lot of it is pretty dated, but this still cracks me up. Enjoy.

The next clip I was SO happy to finally find. It's Steve Martin doing a parody of the "Billie Jean" video. I love that his wig of Michael Jackson curls is white. This sketch made my grandfather laugh so hard, he was crying.

I promise to put up a uber update tomorrow!

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