Thursday, April 21, 2005

"Older than God," indeed...

Jeez, I am going to be 36 tomorrow. Eeeewwww. Out of that cool 24-35 demographic, and 4 years to "middle aged" - at least I already have the sports car and a high threshold for needle-inflicted pain, so I am ready for Botox! The whole "older than God" thing got stuck in my brain after someone once remarked that on his 34th birthday he would truly be older than God - for, as any good Catholic knows, Jesus walked the earth for 33 years. So, I am now suffering from the pre-birthday blues, a depression compounded by being stuck at my dead-end job and pondering the termination of my education, as I know I am not going to be able to finish my masters thesis by July. I am hoping my annual birthday trip to NYC will cure me. "Spamalot" should be a much-needed shot in the arm for me (especially if I can get of my old FSU theater cronies is in the show!)

In preparation for the trip, I (stupidly) went to the mall in search of a knock-em-dead outfit for Broadway. How depressing. I am starting to feel old (even older than I did earlier today when I saw pictures from a recent Billy Idol concert. Seeing all of those approaching-middle aged, former "Rebel Yellers" in the audience made me unexpectedly sad.) Why I even bothered to go into a store called "Forever 21" is beyond me. I can't do the Britney-Christina-Lindsay-Ashlee thing anymore, and there doesn't seem to be anything for me - as I am not quite ready for the "Mrs. Roper muu-muus" just yet (I also need to keep out of Hot Topic!) I also went to bebe, otherwise known as "Everything's Tight" - not the ideal boutique for my lopsided figure (used to be sexy to be curvy, now it's a sin. Thanks, Renee Zellweger.) I have seen myself smaller, the only true regret I have from having been "sick" - I dream to be that small again. But hey, this is getting depressing...

Probably not the best day to blog. I'll be back in a better mood Monday!

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