Friday, January 20, 2006

Darling I love you but give me Park Avenue...

Since when has my life become like "Green Acres"? I guess I should have known that marrying P. would bring a heaping helping of challenges into my life (not driving him crazy, being a good wife, cleaning a house, etc.) but one thing I didn't really expect were some of our differences that I either denied or overlooked. We do have a frightening amount of things in common (both communications majors in college, both love football and hair metal, both are sushi fanatics, the list goes on and on...) but one thing I don't get is the whole urban (me)/rural (him) thing. Now, I think it's pretty obvious that I am not thrilled with our living situation at present, but P. is happy as a clam to be living in the sub-suburbs. Yes, the lake is lovely, but I am getting way too excited about doing things like going to the "fancy mall" and getting my hair done - as these tend to have been my major outings as of late. It's downright depressing where I live. I know Florida is strip mall city, but the ones around us are run down and many are still bearing the scars from last year's hurricane (a lot of blown-out signs litter highway 19.) Restaurants are closing at an alarming rate (we have a few chains in the area, but many of the indie places are gone or rarely patronized. There's really nothing to do once the 5 o'clock whistle blows - although I am starting to figure out why there are so many A.A. meetings in P.R. I don't think we will ever move. I am trying to get used to the slower pace of life, but it's really hard! I probably should stop writing now, as I can get real negative real fast, and I want this blog to overflow with positivity and humor - not complaining and anger. Besides, I'm babbling. I'll write more later...

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