Friday, December 26, 2008
A belated present to you...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I forgot to give you a hug...

Just in case I don't post before Santa Claus arrives, Merry Christmas to all of my loyal (and patient) readers (all one of you)! I will be posting my list of New Year's resolutions soon (actually, I can probably cut and paste the list from last year) and hope that Santa leaves some time management skills under the tree for me this year, so I can write more (the stuff I'm not getting paid for.) This has been a pretty good year - working the job of my dreams, losing it, getting a new job that's almost as wonderful (because I have to go to an office, that's the only reason it hasn't reached the awesomeness of working for Buzznet.) Along the way, I've had some fun times with the pals and the hubby and cleaned up more dog hair than I'd care to recall. Here's hoping you get what you want from the portly, red-suited one!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy (Almost) Halloween

So...anywhoo...Happy Halloween, everybody! No trick, I fully plan on recapping Napa, Vegas and general events in my life real soon!
Friday, September 12, 2008
My New Comedy Crush
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Unemployment Sucks
I'm feeling better. How about one more?
Well, I'd still like a job, but now at least I have a smile on my jobless face!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
R.I.P. Mr. Reed...
When you're hot, you're hot...but when you're Jerry Reed, you'll always be hot. Rest in peace, Jerry.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Hello, I'm Old
P.S. Mark Goodman looks old. Not that I really care, I was more of an Alan Hunter girl. If you got that, I love you already.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Happy B-day, Little Sis
Really, what could be better than Eric Idle (my "favorite Monty Python guy." I'm sure he tells people that story to this day) and a penguin?
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Good Lord, I'm Old...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Damn You, VH-1!
Notice I didn't go with the obvious, "Don't Stop Belivin'" - "Stone In Love" is an unappreciated gem of a ditty.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Will Write for Sustenance...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
One More Year
Sigh. Yup, I'm 39. Can you believe it? One more year and I'm 40 - which they say is the new 30 - "they" being people who are probably 50 or older. But hey, I'm still desperately clinging to my youth (I'd like to stick around my late 20s as my "youth" if I could). Of course, I've spent this year's b-day (so far) doing things that celebrate my old-ness. Take for example this past weekend where my high school girlfriends and I went to see Earth Wind & Fire. Yep, no Good Charlotte or that Vampire band or even Foo Fighters. Earth, Wind and Freakin' Fire. And they didn't even sing "Love's Holiday."
I'll have more reflections later. I promise.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Tomorrow...it's only 4 days away
Let's see, career-wise, things are fantastic. I don't think I've ever put "career" and "fantastic" in the same sentence ever before. I work for Buzznet as a web producer for Pacific Coast News, a paparazzi agency. So I'm again back in the world of celebrity journalism - kinda like my days at Planet Hollywood, but I don't have to kiss Sly or Bruce's ass anymore, which is a definite plus. I'm also still writing the recaps for Recapist, so with all of the writing I'm doing, I rarely have time for recreational writing anymore, which is kind of a pity, as I finally got inspired and have a great idea for a book. I guess that's what retirement is for, hmm?
In other news, Paul and I just celebrated our third anniversary on March 3rd, which is a big deal for me. After the first go-round, I would have never believed I'd be married ever again, let alone for 3 whole years. Yay, me. And a big yay to Paul, of course. Paul and I went to Hawaii just last month and Paul came to cheer me on for my third Walt Disney World Half Marathon in January. If I can photoshop myself slim enough, I'll put those pics up soon.
Ummm...I finally saw Van Halen last month as well as Barry Manilow - a concert to which I won a trip to Vegas to see him again. How come that never happens at a Peter Frampton show? I know there's been some other stuff I wanted to write about, but I get a free moment and everything just gets forgotten. I will re-collect my (non) thoughts and post more soon!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Enough Already
First off is the first sketch from Mike Nesmith's "Elephant Parts." I cannot tell you how many times I watched this when I was a kid. I loved the Monkees so much and I thought Nesmith was a genius. A lot of it is pretty dated, but this still cracks me up. Enjoy.
The next clip I was SO happy to finally find. It's Steve Martin doing a parody of the "Billie Jean" video. I love that his wig of Michael Jackson curls is white. This sketch made my grandfather laugh so hard, he was crying.
I promise to put up a uber update tomorrow!